-[Who you are]Ryder
-[What your capable of doing]I am capable of helping to run your private server by helping players when they need help, being a friendly GM to players & other GMs alike, and I have alot of experience with aiding Private Maple Servers.
-[How long have you been working with Private Servers] I have been working with Private Servers for over a year now, and almost every server I have been in, I was the highest ranking GM (and not because they were new & only had 10 players).
-[Why you want to be a Game Master]I want to help keep your server secure & have fun at the same time, and use my responsibility to give me a few extra privileges (such as GM commands, etc.)
-[Extra Information]
-[Will be able to advertise?]Yes, I can advertise in other Private Servers that I know of, either in their Chatango, or their Hamachi Network.
-[Are You Experienced? If So Prove it]Yes, As I mentioned earlier, I have been a GM in several servers (that is until they get shut down, or eventually crash). Other than mentioning that I know the rights and wrongs of a GM's power, that I am good at memorizing GM codes, that I use I use ImGM v5.2, I would prove myself as a good GM when the time comes (and if it does) that I am a responsible & friendly GM.
-[What your capable of doing]I am capable of helping to run your private server by helping players when they need help, being a friendly GM to players & other GMs alike, and I have alot of experience with aiding Private Maple Servers.
-[How long have you been working with Private Servers] I have been working with Private Servers for over a year now, and almost every server I have been in, I was the highest ranking GM (and not because they were new & only had 10 players).
-[Why you want to be a Game Master]I want to help keep your server secure & have fun at the same time, and use my responsibility to give me a few extra privileges (such as GM commands, etc.)
-[Extra Information]
-[Will be able to advertise?]Yes, I can advertise in other Private Servers that I know of, either in their Chatango, or their Hamachi Network.
-[Are You Experienced? If So Prove it]Yes, As I mentioned earlier, I have been a GM in several servers (that is until they get shut down, or eventually crash). Other than mentioning that I know the rights and wrongs of a GM's power, that I am good at memorizing GM codes, that I use I use ImGM v5.2, I would prove myself as a good GM when the time comes (and if it does) that I am a responsible & friendly GM.